
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dear wifey - Minggu Min Dua

Dear Bunda,

Kurang dari 14 hari lagi kita bertemuu. Hurray! Ga sabar untuk melakukan banyak petualangan lagi bareng bunda. Petualangan kuliner dan petualangan jalan-jalan.

Petualangan pertama adalah ke Lombok dan Bali. That's gonna be a wonderful trips. Nanti saat bunda sampai sini kita enhance lagi itinerarynya agar menjadi wonderful trip. Nanti pada salah satu weekend kita juga coba jalan-jalan batam. Hubby jg pernah ke batam loh #sombong. Kita bisa karokean, main bowling dan kulineran di batam.

Can't wait to see you again here. Ga sabar untuk rebutan kasur. Ga sabar utk adu kelitik sampai lemas.

Till we meet again.

PS: I love you

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear wifey - Why I love you

Dear Bunda,

Kenapa hubby memilih bunda. Jika diceritakan semua mungkin akan menghabiskan ribuan lembaran kertas. Ratusan megabytes data atau bahkan bergiga-giga text file dengan encoding text UTF-8 (pujangga programmer). Namun beberapa deskripsi singkat ini mungkin bisa menggambarkan sedikit alasan hati hubby.

Satu bunda itu gadis yang ceria. Sejak pertama kali bertemu aku begitu terkesan dengan kecerianmu. Dengan senyumanmu yang menawan. Kesenanganmu bercanda. Belum lagi saat bicara kelucuan. Berbagai tingkahmu selalu membuat aku tertawa. Setidaknya karaktermu ini bisa mengimbangi aku yang serius ini :p.

Dua, setelah lama kenal, dekat dan menikah, aku merasa kita ini memang cukup mirip. Mirip secara fisik dan psikis juga. Latar belakang yang mirip. Kebiasan yang juga mirip. Serta beberapa watak dasar yang mirip. Tentu saja tak dipungkiri, banyak hal-hal juga yang berbeda diantara kita. Namun tetap kesamaan yang cukup dominanlah yang nampaknya membuat kita merasa cocok dengan cepat. Ada sebuah petikan lama yang mengatakan "cinta itu adalah mencintai diri kita di dalam orang lain". Maksudnya cinta itu hanya terjadi dan langgeng untuk orang yang sudah cocok. Aku menemukan banyak kecocokan dan saling melengkapi dengan bunda.

Ketiga, alasannya adalah nampaknya Allah yang sudah merancangkan takdir untuk kita. Aku tidak pernah berharap jawaban pada waktu itu. Aku juga tak pernah tahu pada akhirnya kita menikah secepat itu. Namun barangkali itulah jodoh. Dan aku akan berusaha jodoh ini tetap berjalan adanya selamanya.

PS: I Love you

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear wifey - Mesjid Nurul Jannah

Dear Bunda,

Di Jonggol, di mesjid Nurul Jannah kampung Jeprah tempat biasa aku shalat Jumat, hanya memiliki 3 khatib. Ups setelah setahun di sini aku sampai lupa nama-nama mereka. Yang pertama itu adalah imam mesjid kami. Kedua adalah menantunya bapak Ali something, orang Jawa, sepertinya santri. Dan yang ketiga bapak Dudung, kalau tidak salah beliau guru. Diantara 3 khatib ini hanya Pak Ali yang khutbah menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Sementara 2 lainnya pasti khutbah menggunakan bahasa sunda. Dan secara total nampaknya mereka punya tak lebih dari 3 atau 4 khutbah dalam repository bank khutbah mereka. Sehingga dalam selang beberapa minggu khutbahnya pasti berulang dengan khutbah yang tumplek plek persis sama. Sampai aku cukup hafal hingga ke kata-katanya. Harus disadari memang regenerasi ulama bukan hal yang mudah. Nampaknya tak banyak juga para pemuda kampung Jeprah yang tertarik meneruskan tongkat estafet dakwah di kampung kami.

Saat masih di Jonggol dari SMP hingga kuliah, tanpa bermaksud ria :p, jika sedang rajin, setiap maghrib dan shubuh pasti aku ke mesjid. Saat maghrib masjid biasa lumayan ramai. Puncak keramaian seperti biasa adalah di awal bulan ramadhan kemudian surut mendekati lebaran. Shalat subuh adalah ironi. Terkadang orang yang memukul beduk, orang yang adzan, orang yang qamat dan yang menjadi imam adalah si bapak mualim tadi seorang. Ada kalanya kalau aku datang cukup cepat, setelah si bapak mualim memukul beduk, maka aku akan adzan dan qamat.

Terkadang aku dari dulu sering berpikir untuk bisa menjadi dai :p. Apalagi berdakwah itu adalah kewajiban setiap orang. Tentunya harus disertai dengan ilmu yang cukup juga. Tak tahu kenapa siang ini aku tiba-tiba teringat ke sebuah mesjid di kampung jeprah. Tempat aku sering shalat sejak SD hingga sebelum berangkat ke Singapura ini.

PS: I love you

Dear wifey - Lazy Day Random Thought

Dear Bunda,

Hari ini dan kemarin hujan turun seharian. Sebuah momen yang sangat mendorong diri untuk bermalas-malasan. Padahal sebenarnya aku ada beberapa todolist. Menyelesaikan aplikasi erasmus mundus, belajar untuk wawancara amazon dan apply beberapa job application. Namun kalah dengan malas. Bahkan setiap pagi ketika bunda selalu sabar membangunkan aku untuk shalat malam pun, ternyata aku lebih kalah oleh setan :(. Harus diakui memang mood itu sering naik turun. Tapi sedih juga jika lebih sering banyak turunnya. Kita saling menyemangati yuk, untuk lebih produktif berkarya, namun tetap menikmati dan mensyukuri hidup juga. Bunda semangat terus kuliahnya ya. Jangan lupa untuk sering berdoa agar dimudahkan semuanya.

PS: I love you

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dear wifey - Lippo Cikarang

Dear Bunda,

Sebuah cerita singkat nostalgia ya. Pada jaman SMP, sebelum tahun 2000, mall adalah sebuah hal yang ekslusif untuk aku. Btw agak sedikit menyimpang dari main topik, jalan tembus cileungsi cibubur itu pun baru. Mungkin baru ada sekitar setalah tahun 1995. Jadi dulu untuk orang-orang yang ingin ke Jakarta harus lewat Bekasi atau Pulo Gadung. Atau lewat citeurep. Barulah beberapa tahun kemudian jalur cileungsi cibubur dibuka dan perumahan serta pusat keramaian langsung booming.

Oke balik lagi ke masalah cerita SMP tadi. Di suatu waktu sepulang rapat OSIS jika tak salah kami dan teman-teman memutuskan untuk hangout ke mall. Mall yang terdekat dari Jonggol pada waktu itu adalah the greatest mall of lippo cikarang. :D. Jadi selesai dari sekolah kami langsung menunggu bus di pinggir jalan. Ada rute bus 3 perempat Jonggol Cikarang setiap sekitar 2 jam. Beruntung kami tak perlu terlalu lama menunggu bus langsung datang. Kami berangkat sekitar berlima pada waktu itu. Perjalanan ke Cikarang memakan waktu sekitar 1.5 jam melalui banyak jalanan rusak ketika masuk kabupaten Bekasi. Bus yang kami naiki pun cukup reot.

Setelah teruntang antung dalam bus, kami pun sampai di gerbang depan menuju kawasan lippo cikarang. Kami pun harus menyambung naik angkot oranye. Setelah sampai turun dari angkot kemudian menyebrang menuju depan mall yang kalau dipikir-pikir dengan pengetahuan aku sekarang adalah mall yang sangat liliput. Dengan penuh style kami berlima berjalan menuju pintu gerbang mall ketika tiba security depan mall berbicara melalui microphone yang terhubung ke loud speaker dan berkata "perhatian-perhatian untuk pengunjung yang berseragam sekolah dilarang masuk ke dalam mall!". Entah bagaimana ekspresi kami pada waktu itu yang pasti kami langsung mati gaya. Berhubung aku sejak dulu selalu memakai kaos oblong di belakang baju sekolah, aku tinggal lepas kemeja. Namun ada seorang kawan yang tidak pakai dalaman. Akhirnya kami coba bernegosiasi dengan security dan bercerita kami sudah melalui perjalanan jauh untuk sampai ke sini. Mungkin karena kasihan akhirnya kami diijinkan masuk. :p

Setelah berputar-putar dalam mall kecil itu, ke toko buku karisma, menengok-nengok poster di bioskop, lihat-lihat game dingdong di game center (tidak main karena uang kami pas ongkos), kami pun memutuskan pulang.

Keluar dari mall lippo cikarang seorang calo angkot memanggil-manggil kami (mungkin karena kami rombongan yang terlihat jelas bermuka dusun) untuk naik ke isuzu elf. Kami pun ikut naiks saja tanpa bertanya angkot itu mau kemana. Setelah penuh angkot pun berjalan dan kami baru sadar bahwa ternyata angkot ini menuju arah tol ke arah bekasi barat. Sebelum keburu masuk tol, kami pun berteriak-teriak kiri minta turun. Sontak sopir langsung ngomel2, wajar juga sebab jika kami turun di sini dia tak mungkin bisa mendapat penumpang lagi. Namun lucunya para penumpang justru membela kami. Mungkin karena kasihan. Akhirnya kami turun sebelum masuk gerbang tol. Dan lucunya lagi kami berlima lupa membayar dan angkot itu sudah langsung jalan. Akhirnya kami menunggu bus sekitar setengah jam untuk pulang lagi ke Jonggol.

PS: I love you

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dear wifey - Morning Angel

Dear Bunda,

Hubby punya satu permintaan. Bunda jangan pernah berubah ya. Bunda selalu tetap lembut sama hubby ya. Hubby juga akan belajar sebaik mungkin untuk selalu lembut dengan bunda. Boleh deh bunda sekali-sekali suara dewasa, tapi jangan sering-sering. Hubby takut :p.

This morning I just woukd like to say thank you for all of your patient, love and softness. You are trully my complement. I also will always learn about how to make you feel complete. Please always remind me if any of my behaviors that you don't like.

Please stay the same and full love even though we are getting oldet and more mature. Even when our future home have been filled by our children that will following you like ducks anywhere you go inside home. Thank you for being my lover. Thanks for always being my morning angel.

PS: I love you

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dear wifey - Plan A, B, C or D

Dear Bunda,

It is always interesting to have a baby, or more babies. To have descendants is one of the ultimate aim of marriage. Sometime I think, have I prepared well enough to be a father? I supposed to. Sometime I feel scare as well facing uncertain future. Even in this first half of first month of this year I still don't have certainty of where I will be in a couple of months ahead. So sorry to you get married with unsettled man. But I have to never stop to grateful as well. I can have a good life. Eat well, sleep well, pray well. About uncertainty I mention earlier is not a full uncertainty when I do nothing in life. I do something eventhough everytime in small step. I also have some Plan A, B and C or even Plan D as a backup. I just enjoying and being grateful for all I have while at the same time will always to work hard and smart to get every dream that I have.

Not sure where will be in couple of months ahead. Maybe enjoying adventorous trip in Europe while I am finishing my first book about journey (finger cross :p). Or maybe I have some another interesting job in Singapore. Or maybe some wishful day dream to fly to Seattle come true. United States? Or maybe I just decide to be a freelancer and we stay in one peaceful village in East Java while preparing the born of our first baby by the most sweetest way. Or maybe I finally I can get another wishful day dream to get some scholarship come true. Whichever that will happen at the end it gonna be the best decision of God for the best plan of us.

PS: I Love You

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dear wifey - PS I Love You

Dear Bunda,

This several days I tried to understand about your worries. Indeed I fully understand about what you feel. About the fear of past about broken family.

When I flashback, and see behind. I was surprised about what is already happen in last months. Everything went so fast. We know each other, getting close and married. Something that even I cannot remember exactly about its flow. It's just happening seems like someone or something mighty has prepared all the plan and guide us to follow the plan with so smooth.

I always remember about your big question at the time before my visit to your parent house. "If I were taken from you, how hard you will take me back again?" I was so confused to give good answer while want to be honest. The answer will be same as that time, I will do anything to take you back. And until this micro or nano second of my life, I never think anyone rather than you. You are truly my gift and my angel. You are too good to be true.You are the first one who is really match with me. You always understand me and can accept a lot of my deficiencies. While at the opposite I still far from perfect about how to treat you and taking care of you. But I promise, (without need to pledge while I raise my hand following your words) want to be a best husband for you and best daddy for our children.

Nobody can determine that what will happen in our life. I just have to handle, my pray and my effort. The pray for our little family to be in harmony and always keep us together forever and the effort of always learn and improve myself to be a better husband, to be a better partner, to be a better leader.

This morning the famous Muslim convert Felix Siaw tweet this "bila istri hanya dicari karena kecantikan | sesalilah satu hari dimana engkau mendamba wanita yang fasih lidahnya dengan Al-Quran". You are pretty, indeed. But I love you not just because you are pretty. But you have so many things that make me feel complete. At least at the most basic way I think we have similar vision about the important of religion in our live. For the other things not always can be described even if it can maybe will need thousand pages or hundred megabytes of love email.

At the end I just want to say, PS: I love you.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dear wifey - Morning Waker

Dear Bunda,

To be loved by you is one of the most enermous feeling that I've ever had. You are always cheerish, full of care and always sweet. Sometime I wanna shout to myself by wasting my time to sleep rather than accompanying even just through skype. I just wonder how come you never run out your patient waking me up every morning even myself fully undrrstand that I am kost time so difficult to be waken up.

This email will be not too long. I just want say that I feel so grateful by having you in this life. I will never want to let you go and I will never leave you.

PS: I love you

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear Wifey - Island of Sentosa (a novel snapshot)

Dear Bunda,

Do you know that since a long time ago I always want to write books. Book is one of most obvious trace that we can leave in this world. I want to write any book. Either novel or latest software tools guide. And in the beginning of the book I would like to write a dedication page that mention more or less: "This book is dedicated to my wife, my angel, my life partner, my manager and the mother my children... etc". I would like to set one of this year resolution is to write a book. Let see how is the result later. In the mean time I want read a novel by Stieg Larrson, The Girl with Dragon Tatto. Just one to make some short geteway from confusing algorithm books that I read extensively this recent days. Also to improve my literature, reading, writing and language skill.

Let me make a short practice by writing a short snapshot from an untitled novel that is takken by last night event.


The year finally incremented. Nothing special just some digit changes in calendar. From the distance we can see fireworks that is shoot to the sky with some colorful fire. In deep of my mind I made a short contemplation, "how much the organizer spent the money just to be burn". But I don't too much care for now.

In the mean time we are sitting in one of foodcourt beside vivocity, the largest shopping complex in Singapore. We are 7 guys and 1 lady. The 5 guys are all highschool friend of my wife. While the other one guy and one lady is friend of those 5 guys. Since I arrived in Singapore last year I became so close with all my wife friends here in Singapore.

We are gathered in one table while waiting the foods that we have eaten to go down to our stomach. We were ordering some singapore satay and prata. In front of us is a big screen showing some soccer match. Interestingly they don't put a channel for new year countdown. But nevermind because I myself doesn't care too much about that. Behind our tables are a group of western people. Don't know exactly yet from part of the world they came. What I have seen they drink so much beer. Maybe if I can heard some deep throat talking, I can guess they are from Germany. But if they start speaking sexy language, they might be from France. Or if they are talking seems cool wannabe English, perhaps they are from US.

Before I think more about those western group, suddenly we decided to walk to Sentosa island. Actually it seem weird to cross the channel after firework party. We walked against the flow. When a lot of people walking toward Singapore, we were walking to Sentosa. Along the way we talked anything. Most of them are silly talk, but I enjoy the most and laugh a lot. Sometime we stop and take some pictures. Then we walk again and do silly talk again. The bridge from singapore to Sentosa is bended around 2 Km perhaps (I have to check the accurate length). By slow walking we can arrive arround 15 minutes.

Back again about the silly talk. Suddenly I don't know from where we start talking about Korean name. "Kim Jong Ill" said one of the guy.

Then the other shouting, "After he recover his name will change to Kim Jong Well". I cannot stand to laugh so hard.

Then the other again post another silly response, "If he go to toilet the his name must be Kim Jong Kok". Hehehe. Anyway this part could be understood only by Indonesian.

Then they continue to shout each other. From serious talk to silly, to serious to silly, alternately while we keep walking to the island of Sentosa.

PS: I love you